Sweet Sailors

Hello flowers
Another cute sailor look for this post made up of some new lovable releases.
New Mizu dress by Cute or Die in 8 colors or fatpack to mix and match extra colors .
New Chibi hair by Ayashi and Plum hair by Wasaby Pills and i enjoyed the new gestures of Catwa Screaming Animation available at Crystal Heart event ^_^

<3 Berta

head: Catwa - Tala
hair left + hair clip: Ayashi - Chibi - @TCH
hair right: Wasabi Pills - Plum - @Summerfest
dress: CoD - Mizu Sailor Skirt - @TCH
wand: Wednesday - Gift - @TCH
octopus: ~MR~ Squidy Follower
animation: Catwa - Screaming - @TCH