Sad November

Hi flowers!
Today i show you new outfit by Petite Mort available at Sad November , the Essential Plaid Waist Shirt with hud in 20 colors and Cropped T-neck in 12 colors & Highwaist Skinny's in 6 colors!
This juicy lip gloss is new release from The Sugar Garden, is Omega Appliers, specific for LAQ Lulu Mesh Head , but i wear with my Catwa Tala and i really love them ^_^ in 6 colors available at Cookish Fair!
<3 Berta

head: Catwa - Tala
skin: Tsg - Cici
lipgloss: Tsg - Fruity Gloss - @Cookish Fair
outfit: Petite Mort - Cropped T-neck, Highwaist Skinny's, Essential Plaid Waist Shirt - @Sad November
boots: DRD - apocalypse boot