Buing + Wasabi

Hello flowers!
In this post i show you the new Himiko Kimono by Buing created for Fluffy Kawaii,
come in 3 colors set and fatpack includes 3 exclusive colors, fit maitreya only.
New Inoko hair by Wasaby available at Uber!

<3 Berta

head: Catwa - Denice - NeW!
skin: *{ SeVered GarDeN }* Aura - Gacha
eyes + lipstick + lashes + blush: *{ SeVered GarDeN }* Aura - Gacha
hair: Wasabi - Inaka - @Uber
head accessories: TSG -  Kanzashi
dress: Buing - Himiko Kimono - @Fluffy Kawaii
socks: Insomnia Angel/ Konpeitou - Lunatic Dream & Sakura-ame Gacha