Belle Epoque + Wasabi

Hello flowers!
I show you two pretty news that you can find at Epiphany!
By Belle Epoque new Darkest Night gacha set: 5 common in 5 colors and
1 rare with colorchange hud!
By Wasaby new Stacy & Tina hair * _ *
<3 Berta

head: Catwa - Daria - New!
skin: *{ SeVered GarDeN }* LULA for Catwa (MP)
eyes:  *{ SeVered GarDeN }* SeVerEyes C (MP) 
lashes: *{ SeVered GarDeN }* AURA - Gacha
hair: Wasabi - Yina & Stacy - @The Epiphany
outfit & accessories: Belle Epoque - Darkest Night - @The Epiphany