
Hi flowers!
Today i shoe you new Mikuzume outfit by Altair created for Flora event. Fits maitreya and come in 6 colors with HUD, fatpack has a complete HUD, hoodie has cute bunny ears, sweater, optional bra and shorts.
My braid hair is the new Fabia Rozali available at the Cosmopolitan , come with style hud.
<3 Berta

head: Catwa - Daria - 
skin: *{ SeVered GarDeN }* LULA for Catwa (MP)
eyes:  *{ SeVered GarDeN }* SeVerEyes C (MP) 
lashes: *{ SeVered GarDeN }* AURA - Gacha
hair left: Exile - Cece
halo: Doe - Starburst
hair right: Fabia - Rozali - @Cosmopolitan
outfit: ALTAIR - Mikuzume - @Flora