Sweet Succubus

Hi flowers!
I'm wearing the new Sweet Succubus set gacha by Casse Luster created for Aenigma event, 4 commons and 2 rare, fit maitreya. 
By Fabia new hair Kathy created for Cosmopolitan event, come with style hud. 
<3 Berta

Catwa - Daria
skin: *{ SeVered GarDeN }* LULA for Catwa (MP)
eyes:  *{ SeVered GarDeN }* SeVerEyes C (MP)
lashes: *{ SeVered GarDeN }* AURA gacha
lips:  *{ SeVered GarDeN }* Lula Lipstick (MP)
hair: Fabia - Kathy - @Cosmopolitan
full outfit & horn: Casse Lustre - Sweet Succubus - @Aenigma